What's a private gateway?

Blockchain domains are not stored on servers like the websites we visit every day. Instead, they're held in a public ledger or public registry which is accessible to anyone. However, not everyone has the browser settings to view blockchain domains since they do not have DNS.

We have a private gateway that we use to view all web3 blockchain websites registered in our network, so that they can be easily viewed on any internet browser just like regular 'www' websites.

  • After an obituary is registered in our Memoriam listings, we create a custom URL that can be used to view the blockchain website on the Internet

  • You own this custom gateway domain for your obituary - your blockchain domain can be viewed in other ways even without this gateway domain

  • The original obituary information is recorded on the blockchain and cannot be changed or erased

  • If new information is requested, we will update the custom blockchain website, and then mint a new "record" on the blockchain (costs may apply)

Last updated